Bahrain Polytechnic
Bahrain Polytechnic has been established by the Bahrain Government to address the need for a skilled Bahraini labour force, with the aim of supporting economic growth and diversification.
Bahrain Polytechnic delivers applied, professional and technical qualifications. Graduates will be work-ready; confident and competent, aware of what is expected of them in the professional world, and able to perform to their full potential.
Programmes, qualifications and courses, and the underlying methodology of how they are delivered are developed in consultation with businesses, industries, professions, international education and training institutions. This strategy, set by the Board of Trustees, will ensure that Bahrain Polytechnic graduates meet the needs of the labour market, thus supplying Bahrain’s economy with a source of highly skilled graduates.

Tamkeen (Strategic Partner)
Tamkeen is a public authority established in August 2006, tasked with supporting Bahrain’s private sector and positioning it as the key driver of economic growth and development. Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030 has been established to lay the foundations of new economic opportunities with the guiding principles of sustainability, competitiveness, and innovation.
Underlying this important Vision, Tamkeen was formed to contribute to the development and strengthening of the private sector, paving the way for Bahrain’s ongoing diversification to a technology-driven knowledge-based, globally competitive and sustainable economy.
Tamkeen has two primary objectives – firstly, foster the development and growth of enterprises, and second provide support to enhance the productivity and training of the national workforce. To achieve these objectives -Tamkeen’s 2018-2020 strategy focuses on Diversifying offerings, Accelerate delivery and Sustaining Impact. A number of innovative programs are provided to Bahraini individuals and businesses across all economic sectors which includes training, financing, grants, advisory, entrepreneurship support and others. These programs help develop the capabilities of Bahraini individuals and enterprises in the Kingdom.
With over 330 different initiatives, Tamkeen served more than 230,000 Bahraini individuals and businesses to date.

Microsoft (Partner)
At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Our mission is grounded in both the world in which we live and the future we strive to create. Today, we live in a mobile-first, cloud-first world, and the transformation we are driving across our businesses is designed to enable Microsoft and our customers to thrive in this world. We do business in 170 countries and are made up of 114,000 passionate employees dedicated to fulfilling our mission of helping you and your organization achieve more.